Check Those Strings!!!!


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I went out to shoot today and had checked everything out and it all looked fine. I shot a half dozen arrows through the Whitetail Master and it starts to pull funny and gets loud when shot. I start looking at the cams and the string is coming apart and fraying almost in two in a places. I quit shooting right then and I am very thankful that the string did not give out while I was drawing. I had already planned on replacing the strings on both bows this year just later on in the summer as they still looked good. Looks like now I will be going to the pro shop tomorrow to get them both restrung.

Keep an eye on those strings while shooting.


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Re: Check Those Strings!!!!

Depends on how much you shoot you bow. I would suggest watching for signs of wear on the string around the cams. Probably not a bad idea to take your bow apart every year and do some cleaning and maintenance.

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Re: Check Those Strings!!!!

i bought a bow from a buddy 3 ys ago for my boy we went to site it in the boy said it felt funny so i tock the bow to look it looked fine i tryed to shoot it got the bow half drawn and the string broke mam that hurt but glad it broke on me and not hem now i restring our bows every spring regadrles some guys go 2or 3 yrs but i wont take yhe chance just my 2cents

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Re: Check Those Strings!!!!

I've got some first hand experience with not paying enough attention to my bowstring...I was goin out to my farm this fall all pumped about the evening's hunt and I opened up my bowcase and my string was snapped, frayed all over the place. Those were some of the most quiet four-letter words I've ever said tongue.gifsmirk.gif I agree with the title! Check those strings!!!

Good luck,


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