most important piece of equipment


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As far as bowhunting goes, without a doubt the thing that has helped put more venison in my freezer and heads on my wall has been my rangefinder. It takes out the guess work and helps you make quick humane kills. Bullets and arrows will do you no good if you can hit what your aiming at because you guess the wrong distance. THEN, you can get the knife... ;):D

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a good full body harness. I had the bottom piece of my summit stand get caught on a big knob on a tree i was climbing in the dark and it was until the rope caught it. luckily i was sitting on the top part of the stand when the bottom fell so i could pull it back up with some effort.
I had the same thing happen to me, with me being about 35 to 40 feet in the air. I started hollering for help, and my brother heard me about 3/4 of a mile away from me. He came running, and to make a long story short, they called the fire department to come and get me down. Talk about embarrassing.
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