Thinking about what plot mix to plant?

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how big is your plot going to be and what type of equipment do you have to plant / maintain it with? Keep it simple...go with a perennial clover mix. I have planted Imperial Whitetail and Tecomonte clover seeds. Both have performed well...and I usually mow 1-3 times a year. Keeps on growing year to year.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm not familiar with that mix. It is hard to beat a ladino clover plot mixed with some chicory. Will last for years if taken care of properly.

I like Pennington Clover trio that has some crimson with the ladino for quicker growth the first fall. In our soils, there isn't much hunting on the ladinos the first year they grow so slow. The crimson adds quick growth you can hunt.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm not familiar with that mix. It is hard to beat a ladino clover plot mixed with some chicory. Will last for years if taken care of properly.

I'm not sure it's available yet. It's some silly mix the BioLogic put together based on plants that the freakishly big deer, Sudden Impact, chose to eat all the time. I think it's a perennial.

In terms of equipment, I'm still acquiring stuff. I've got access to just about anything, but right now I've got a compact Kubota tractor with a belly mower and I'll probably get some small implements for it. It's only 17 HP though so it's not much of anything I'm used to. I'm only planting around a couple acres though. I'd like to keep browse and cover for the deer too. I've only got I think 8.6 acres.

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