Could really use some prayers


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Hey all,

My wife is having some problems. Today, we are going to have a biopsy to rule out cancer (all indications and tests make the doctor think otherwise but we wanted the test just as a precaution).

After that it looks like she will be having surgery in early August but if this test comes back as pre-cancerous or cancerous, it's immediate surgery.

This is my high school sweetheart, we met 25 years ago and have been married almost 18 years old. I am only 39 so that's 70% of my life I have been with this lady. She's my world and I am scared of the whole thing.

Your prayers are much appreciated.


Edited by Newarcher
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Very sorry to hear! Cannot's tough to deal with...and the "not knowing" is the worse...not knowing if it's cancer or not and if it is, will it be 100% cured, etc...scary for sure but put your trust in God.

One of my nursing school classmates was recently diagnosed with cancer, is going through chemo then surgery....and she's one of the nicest people I know..a Christian to.

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Thank you all for your prayers and messages. It's great to have such a good bunch of people to help out in a time of need.

I have faith that we will be okay. The test we had yesterday was just simply a natural progression in the normal course of treatment and a precaution to ensure that there is no cancer there.

Still it is very unnerving when you hear that cancer is even a possibility even though the problems my wife is having are textbook symptoms of benign problems and very common. No matter how low the percentages of cancer are, someone has to be on the bad side of the statistics. The worst part is the week's worth of waiting.

But she will be fine. Thanks again all.


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