Made in China


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While I was at work tonight I happened to pick up a case of small American flags. Guess what it said in big bold letters on the side of the box...MADE IN CHINA :angry:. We can't even make our own flags for cryin' out loud?! We have to ship our orders overseas so that our flags can be made cheaper??? :nono:


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It is our own fault. How many people will pass over the cheap item and pay 3 or 4 times the price for the same item made in the good ol US of A?

Not many, that is right. So, as long as we demand to continue to buy the cheap items, you will continue to see that line printed on the side of the box. Before long that will be our only option, and then it will be to late, if it is not already there.

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It is our own fault. How many people will pass over the cheap item and pay 3 or 4 times the price for the same item made in the good ol US of A?

Not many, that is right. So, as long as we demand to continue to buy the cheap items, you will continue to see that line printed on the side of the box. Before long that will be our only option, and then it will be to late, if it is not already there.

I agree

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and people wonder why there is a sad job market in the US. All the jobs are being sent over seas for cheap labor.

Can you you say NFTA??? :angry:

I don't care what anybody says about this! I am a printer, I seen how many jobs went over to china. But I am starting to see that china's printers are doing a very bad job, and some of the work is coming back to the USA.

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