NY Shutdown Is Reason For Second Amendment


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Probably not going to happen but is planned for this Tuesday if the emergency bill does not get passed. It's been major news all week in NY. Now granted, we don't have a local PD like most towns and villages do within the sate. Heck I think there is only 3 local PD departments in the whole county and they sure aint around my neck of the woods. We rely on NY State Police and when available the county sherriff, but their budget has been cut back too during the last budget vote. So whats a man to do to protect his home being robbed, burnt to the ground and his wife and daughters from being raped ? I'll tell you what. Me, Smith and Wesson. Not to mention half of our state prison guards will be laid off effective immediatly, meaning prison escapes are inevitable.

If NY government shuts down this Tuesday 6/15/10 as tentatively planned, this is what to expect immediately.

153,000 state employees wouldn’t get paid on June 23 as scheduled.

State Police & Prison Staff reduced drastically

State Forest Rangers and Sate DNR law enforcement get parked.

All toll booths (NY Thruway, bridges, tunnels) closed

Food Stamp program is shut down

Suspension of lottery games and other nonessential services.

Closing of parks and campgrounds, courts and unemployment offices.

Businesses wouldn’t get paid for goods and services provided after June 13.

And the list goes on......................

Think of the impact this would have on any state. Huge increase in crime, kids going without a meal,more drunks driving the road killing innocent victims. No one to enforce state laws pertaining to alcohol, cigarettes, child welfare, etc, etc....

I don't think our elected officials would let it get this far. But never say never. Always be prepared for the worst. :gunsmilie:

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