Be careful of what you tell kids


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I was in the yard mowing this past Sunday. My son (9) is walking around in the yard so I ask him "You want to make some money?" We are going on a vacation to Colorado in a couple of weeks so I figured I would give him the chance to make a little spending money.

He says yes of course. So I tell him I will give him 25 cents for every pine cone he picks up out of the yard. I figured he would pick up 25 or so and call it good beings he doesn't like to do much of any physical his dad :D. I kept on mowing and when I was done, went over and seen he had a wheel barrow full of cones. So we begin to count..............207 was the total. $51.75 for about an hours worth of work.

He's a happy camper.........

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LOL good story! You ought to be proud that he took the initiative.

Yea my parents told me when I was 7 that I would have to save my allowance to buy me the bicycle I wanted. Well I figured that would take too long so I sold rocks to anyone that come up to the house and then tried to leave the house without buying a rock for $1. Mom was mowing by the cattle guard when she came upon my stash of $67. Yep I had some explaining to do but I did get my bike.

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Guest TennesseeTurkey

If he were REAL smart he would climb up the tree at night and knock a butt load of them on the ground OR take the ones already picked up and throw them back out again :D

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