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Randy has been a distraction to the team and it's hard to justify his behavior. He needed a good **** kickin' and probably should've been benched. Would that have helped?? Who knows. Maybe Moss is smarter than he looks and maybe he was actually pulling these stupid acts so that they would trade him knowing that he wouldn't be shining with a QB who couldn't get him the long ball. Maybe his agent said, "Randy, with Culpecker in charge and no signs of relief, we need to get you out of there". Stranger thing have happened. You watch though as next year if he gets someone who can throw him the ball he will light it up.

As I said in a previous post regarding Minnesota, they will never go to the bigshow with Culpecker at the helm. When he was hurt in 2003, they should've stayed with Gus Frerotte as he was on fire and they could've done no worse with him in the pocket. Culpepper should switch to a linebacker type position as he is big enough...just doesn't have a brain. Kind of like the Scarecrow on the Wizard of Oz!! smile.gif Not to say that their team is solid on defense either which is usually a requirement for a superbowl team but I don't feel they will make any steps forward with Culpecker...

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