Can you recommend a television antenna


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Thanks to the government and their wonderful digital converter boxes I can barely get any local channels on my tv. I used to get 7 or 8 channels but now I can barely get 1. The tv people are telling me that if I get a newer antenna I will be able to get more channels. Greeeeeat something more to buy after they made me buy that stupid converter box. icon8.gif Yes I have a dish but refuse to pay for local channels when I can get them for free.

I have looked into new roof top antennas at Radio Shack but a friend told me their are newer antennas that work even better than the roof top models. He said he would get me some information. In the meantime, does anyone here know anything about these super great indoor antennas? Or can anyone recommend a really great antenna that you have had good luck with?

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I ditched satalite and just have broadcast. I figure with the net, X-Box and Netflix that's all I really need. Our antenna is a Phillips HDTV indoor/outdoor I got at WalMart. It works great. I put it on the pole on the roof where the dish was. Antenna was only $30.00.

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Does anyone read the posts anymore? He has sat already.

Joe I got a radio shack indoor amplified antenna ($35) at the deer camp. We get about 8 channels or so locally (30 miles away) but can't get Jackson for anything (90 miles away). Some of the close by stations are spotty also. Not a good antenna in my book. I was going to get one of the outdoor ones at wally world, but you have to be careful on the UHF/VHF thing, because most only get UHF. We have channel 11 here in the local market and the UHF doesn't help that.

Just my limited experience, hope it helps.

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