No McCrystal threads so far......


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Yes, the Commander in Chief should NEVER be criticized.

But this President is making folks all over, do/say things that they have never did/said before about the leader of the Free world.

I have no doubt the General will land on his feet after he gets his walking papers.


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I think that as a man, you should say what you mean and mean what you say. Once it is out there, you shouldn't apologize for it.

Knowing that Amabo was going to replace me, I think I would have came back to DC and said it to his face. Then I would have held a press conference to explain what I said and why I said it when I was done telling the disgrace of Pennsylvania Avenue what I thought of him.

That's just my opinion. Over and out.


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Soooo...... what do you say? Despite the fact I think he's honest I think he was out of line.

Bingo. Cannot fault the man for being honest, he had to know though that he would be forced out of his job for what he said. Also agree that he should have not made an apology as there was no doubt he meant it.

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At that level, it's not good to openly criticize the Commander in Chief, that should be done in private behind closed doors. Remarks like that demoralize the troops on the ground actually fightig the battle. If they can't trust in their leadership and believe in the plan, moral goes down drastically.

I believe he was honest and personally I believe BO is totall inept, but those remarks should have never met a public forum.

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I have to give him credit for standing up and saying what he did, dont think he should have apologized for it either. Yes, it is not a good thing to put those comments out in public and it should have been said face to face. However, I dont beleive Obamma is technically president since the birth certificate has yet to be produced. The office of the President is to be treated in the highest standard, with utmost respect....the person holding it must earn that qualification, this one holding that position has not yet proven that to me.

This was a face saving effort on Obamma's part

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McCrystal voted for Obama.

He is a liberal loon just like the rest of the bozo's in charge of the "destroy America machine" in D.C

Nothing he does holds any credibility with me. He is a non-entity.

yup that surprised me...he got what he voted for..he shouldnt have anything to complain about then...thats pretty bad if you lety down your lib supporters!

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