Pyrodex question

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It is probably an older box of pellets that was made before the Magnum guns came out onto the market.

As far as the powder charge is concerned. I am willing to sacrifice a little accuracy to get more muzzel velocity. "Speed kills" However you have to be sure you can hit your target. I have noticed that most guns don't like a 150gr charge. I use 2 50gr pellets and 1 30gr pellet in my guns. That reduction of 20 grains makes a big difference in accuracey but is considerably faster than a 100 gr load.


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hodgdon doesnt recommend going over 100gr worth of pellets. gun makers are pushing these kind of loads and they are not needed. American Pioneer when i was speaking with them just laughed at the 150gr deal and said, Well, if people want to buy it and shoot it, we'll sell it to them but everyone here that hunts uses no more than 100 grains.

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