P or LT for my F150

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Time for new tires on my F150. It has on it now P255/70R16. I use the truck for pulling my pop-up camper about 5 or 6 times a year. Firewood hauling about 5 or 6 times----hauls @ 1 cord for about 25 miles on National Forest gravel roads. Elk hunting again on National Forest roads & a little bit of 4 wheel drive road. The rest would just be general driving on pavement. Mileage would be @ 5000 miles a year.

Sticker on the door has P255/70R16-----I think the LT would be LT245/75R16.

No sure which one----I think P's then change my mind & think it will be the LT's.

Which one do you think?

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LT is for Light truck,

I would go with a 265/75/16 AT in whatever flavor you like. For 5k miles a year, anything is going to last you a long time, and will most likely get a hole, dry rot or fail some other way than tread life.

Exactly what I was gonna say. I just put Mastercraft LT 265/75/16 AT2 tires on my truck. They have about 10,000 miles on them, rotated 3 times and still aren't showing any tread wear. They are a really good tire. Mastercraft also makes a CT tire in that same size that is a little more aggressive.

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Personally I would go with the LT and ten ply at that. It really depends on the kind of roads you will be driving on and the loads you are hauling. Some of the Forest Service roads where I live are flat out nasty with a lot of rock, and with a load of firewood or just loaded down with camping/hunting gear and that monster elk can make a person wish they had a stouter set of tires. With 90% of your driving on paved roads and the rest on graveled Forest Service roads (some four wheeling?) a passenger tire may well be all you need, and if you had no problems with the old P series tires then save some money and stick with them.

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