Handgun for girlfriend

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Looking for a handgun for my girlfriend. She handled the Sig Sauer P220 Mosquito the other day (pink one) and fell in love....so I'd like to surprise her sometime. Just looking for something in .22 caliber for recreational shooting. I do not know much about pistols, but it needs to have pink in it lol I was also looking at the Walther p22 in pink digital camo....any feedback on either of these or other ideas?

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My wife has the Walther P22 and loves it mostly because it fits her small hands and conceals easily. Not a bad choice. If it's just for plinking and she has normal size hands the Ruger MarkIII with adjustable sights is a better choice and costs about the same. It'll last indefinitely too.

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I've heard that the Sig Mosquito have ejection and feed problems. I was about to buy one for my wife and the guy at the store recomended the Walther even though it was a lot cheaper. The wife ended up with a G26. Aparently she knew better what she wanted than I did. Imagine that.

I think you can get the Wather in pink and I really like the way they look too. If I were getting myself a 22lr pistol it would likely be a Ruger Mark III. They are simply unbeatable for quality, reliability, and out of the box accuracy.

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