How much should I spend on hunting equipment?


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It's like asking "what should I spend on a car?" The sky is the limit. Doesn't cost much to hunt for most folks, but you can spend a year's salary as well.

If you want recommendations on how to spend money wisely and get quality products, just do a search in here on what you're looking for and you'll get honest reviews.

btw.... Welcome to the forums!

Edited by redkneck
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Only what you can afford.

Go with that advice. There's too many variations of each piece of equipment you mentioned, each being way different in price, to really answer that. You need to specific things you want with each, and then you shop around and look at reviews from that point.

For example the hunting knife could be $300 to $5.

First off is tags -

Do you already have a gun or bow to hunt with? Where are you hunting? What do you want to hunt?

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I won't say that you can spend as little as you want (never seems to work out that way. There is always SOMETHING you need in the clearance bin ;) ) but you can spend as MUCH as you want. Just to cover the bare basics, I have no clue how much that would cost. I've accumulated everything I have over years. Spend what you can afford. I guess that's the best I can do.


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How much for a tree stand?

How much for blaze orange clothing?

How much for a hunting knife?

How much for animal tags so i can hunt them?

I get the best that I can afford. That generally means wiatng out of season for sales, checking ebay and the classifieds on forums like this and newspapers. Some of your questions can be answered by getting on line and just looking for them. Some states don't require blaze orange on private land so if you're in one of those states and hunting private land the answer would be $0. The tags are simple too. Just get on your states game and fish websight and see. In Arkansas a Sportsman's license cost $35.50 for an extra $5 you can put a trout stamp on there and then whatever duck stamps cost. (I don't duck hunt)

As for the stand and the knife, you have to look at your priorties. If you're a young strappin lad then you could get away with something a little heavier which equals cheaper. If your old like me it's worth the extra money to shed a few pounds on the stand. Decent knives can be found at your local Wal-Mart store for $20 or you can get a better one for hundreds. I've got a nice compromise buck with a gut hook that cost about $100. I do have several other cheaper knives that I carry and use for different applications. There's no way I'm using my good knife for clearing a shooting lane.

The only items I have that cost me retail are my rest for my bow, fletching glue, my rifle scopes and my thermacell. Everything from my hand warmers to my ATV were bought on sale, second hand or on ebay.

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Like most have said the best that you can afford, if that means getting less expensive gear to get you by until you can afford something nicer, better, etc. then do so. Then when you upgrade perhaps sell the starter stuff or hang onto it. Say for example you buy a cheap pair of binoculars to start hunting with and then you scrape enough together to buy a nice pair of dream binoculars, you can always stick the starter pair in your truck for when you are driving down the road and spot a flock of turkeys, herd of deer, whatever. I don't know how many times I was driving and wanted to get a better look at something across the field. You see what I am getting at. When I upgrade my bow when I get the funds for it, I am keeping my old bow as a backup (provided that my wife will let me). Probably won't have to buy much to upgrade my gear right now, bought some of the best stuff I could afford and by and large it is some of the best stuff on the market. Badlands packs (one was new, the other used off of craigslist), Whitewater clothes, Leupold bino and spotting scope, Bushnell rangefinder. I had orginally outfitted myself for Alaska, but never did get to hunt while I was up there, now I am pretty much set for New Mexico. Just have to get through school first.

branded WV

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It pays to buy quality products..... but do not go overboard and buy more than you need! Lock on stand you could get for under 100, climber around 200, blaze orange vest to go over hunting clothing is cheap.... do not buy a seperate orange coat! A knive, i would say around 50 bucks....The tags are subject to your state.

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To tell the truth, I buy the majority of my hunting accesories at walmart (no I dont work there). They tend to run a touch cheaper there. Or I watch for good deals on online auctions or craigslist. But I wont go cheap for my safety accesories or my weapons.

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How much for a tree stand? Less than $100

How much for blaze orange clothing? Don't bother with orange clothing, just get a vest and cap- $15 all together

How much for a hunting knife? Depends on the brand and model. I have an Old Timer with a guthook- $20

How much for animal tags so i can hunt them? Which animals in what states?

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Pray tell why you would spend that much money on equipment alone?

You're not a good hunter unless you do. You shouldn't even be able to hunt unless you spend that. Kids and their unrealistic dreams. Spend the money and you will be a good hunter.

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Let me draw you a picture..............

How does spending 10k-15k on gear alone make you a good hunter?

Jackie Bushman told me so, that's why I like him.

I fail to see this "picture" you speak of. I think your link is broken or something. Might want to look into fixing that.

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Jackie Bushman told me so, that's why I like him..

Well in that case, you can send me 5k and you will be the best waterfowl hunter this side of the Mississippi.

I fail to see this "picture" you speak of. I think your link is broken or something. Might want to look into fixing that.

It was a figure a speech. We actually use it a lot around these parts. It's for people who can't understand without going into minute detail about a particular subject.

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Jackie Bushman told me so, that's why I like him.

I fail to see this "picture" you speak of. I think your link is broken or something. Might want to look into fixing that.

I laughed

Well in that case, you can send me 5k and you will be the best waterfowl hunter this side of the Mississippi.

It was a figure a speech. We actually use it a lot around these parts. It's for people who can't understand without going into minute detail about a particular subject.

I did not laugh.

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