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tom wayman

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That guy is a total nut job. You can't argue with ignorance though. You have to remember though, those people voted him in, so they take the same blame... I'm glad I don't live any where close to there as I know I'd be arrested..

I would still like to see what's going to happen to the elderly gentleman there recently that capped an intruder with his handgun that he wasn't supposed to have. It would have been nice if that gentleman would have voiced his discern for the stupidity of the laws there and how his life was saved by having that gun in his home.

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That guy is a total nut job. You can't argue with ignorance though. You have to remember though, those people voted him in, so they take the same blame...

Yep. Unfortunate there are so many people out there who just don't understand the consequences of who they vote in and what it does for everyone.

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This is just the total disconnect between the "we the people" and "me the politician". Like here in Arizona, they don't care if we are murdered or robbed or raped and are trying to prevent us from preventing it ourseleves. Last night there was a home invasion robbery and a prolonged gun battle across the border near Nogales, but everything is okay. We are to the point that we won't take it anymore and Jan Brewer realized that and is trying to headoff a large vigilante movement that is gaining momentum here. This weekend there is a big gathering on the border where private citizens (militia) will patrol it during Independence Day. Might be interesting.


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Just saw the latest on this, the Chicago city council unanimously approved the latest city ordinance ban...

Bunch of idiots! People in Chicago need to wake up and get back in touch with reality. Quit coddling the criminals if they want to put an end to gun violence and crime. If they can't do that, don't take the right away from every citizen to defend themselves.

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