I hate Scabs!

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Think the folks who took those jobs were happy to find employment, the folks who walked out should not take that personal, after all they walked out. Don't see a need in having hard feelings towards those taking those jobs or in calling them names.

Only one time I have worked where a union was present and that was with ups, I never joined and the 2 years I worked there part time while in college there was talks of a strike just once. Luckily my work was not effected.

Unions had their place and some might still look after the employees best interests, however some unions demands drive their workers out of work, which is probably not best for the employer or the employee.

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Think the folks who took those jobs were happy to find employment, the folks who walked out should not take that personal, after all they walked out. Don't see a need in having hard feelings towards those taking those jobs or in calling them names.

They didn't walk out. they were locked out. They didn't want to be locked out.

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Hey now, My dad is a Union worker. And he works his butt off everyday! and has been for the last 28 years! So not all are lazy.

I never said that!!! Just stating my experience with a union I worked in. ;)

As for the lazy remark....come do my job one day and call me lazy. Call me untrained....yet come try to even attempt my job. You will fall flat on your face. It took me 3 years to get the position I have now and I am highly trained. The only difference between me and u is I have a company who represents me to make sure I get fair treatment and wages. NOT ALL UNIONS ARE THE SAME. I'm not offended by any anti union comments here....just get your facts straight and don't stream line all unions.

Look, did I say all unions were lazy? NO! Its great that your union is doing what you want. Try working for a union where all the employees are more worried about your hours you have in, and the responsibilities of each person and not in what THEY ARE DOING!!!. I am more interested in getting the job done and moving onto the next job!

Again, this was my one and only union job I will ever have. My opinion about unions today, they are some of the problems why some jobs are going over-seas. Being a printer, and seeing the printers across this country losing their jobs due to the customers taking their work to china, burns my butt! Why are they going to china? Because its cheaper to print over there! There, they don't have to pay a higher costs, due to some union!

Edited by LifeNRA
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As for the lazy remark....come do my job one day and call me lazy. Call me untrained....yet come try to even attempt my job. You will fall flat on your face. It took me 3 years to get the position I have now and I am highly trained. The only difference between me and u is I have a company who represents me to make sure I get fair treatment and wages. NOT ALL UNIONS ARE THE SAME. I'm not offended by any anti union comments here....just get your facts straight and don't stream line all unions.

Look, did I say all unions were lazy? NO! Its great that your union is doing what you want. Try working for a union where all the employees are more worried about your hours you have in, and the responsibilities of each person and not in what THEY ARE DOING!!!. I am more interested in getting the job done and moving onto the next job!

Again, this was my one and only union job I will ever have. My opinion about unions today, they are some of the problems why some jobs are going over-seas. Being a printer, and seeing the printers across this country losing their jobs due to the customers taking their work to china, burns my butt! Why are they going to china? Because its cheaper to print over there! There, they don't have to pay a higher costs, due to some union!

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I agree mikeb. Without the union my family has no health insurance and I would be without the pension I've earned so far. If I was working in a job with a 401k I woulda lost it like the rest of u. But my union pension is safe and sound and didn't lose one dollar.

As for the lazy remark....come do my job one day and call me lazy. Call me untrained....yet come try to even attempt my job. You will fall flat on your face. It took me 3 years to get the position I have now and I am highly trained. The only difference between me and u is I have a company who represents me to make sure I get fair treatment and wages. NOT ALL UNIONS ARE THE SAME. I'm not offended by any anti union comments here....just get your facts straight and don't stream line all unions.

I have no doubts that you do your job well and are highly trained. However, how does one earn their pension? By going to work every day and doing something they are already well compensated for? I have a 401k at work and it does well. The latest recession did not cost me anything. I look at my 401k several times a week and take care of it. We get a 3.5%/5% company match. I have to invest my money to get theirs. Nothing wrong with free money. We also have pretty good insurances at work. Union workers pay dues. Money they could be investing on their own and making money with, instead of paying for the union leaders Mercedes and much nicer houses then yours. Unions had their time. Most now do more harm then good. I do believe some union guys really earn their keep. I also however see 4-5 guys holding up a shovel while the other two work. These clowns should be canned and replaced with guys that work for a living. Guess what. They never will be because the of the unions. I love hearing how the slackers work soooooo freaking hard. Hilarious...

Edited by JimT
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But what about the people on the outside now that have no job because of scabs? What are they gonna do.

Is it possible that this union is demanding more than the company can provide? unions are good for a few things, however unions often hurt themselves my hyping their members benefits until the company is losing money...then its time for layoffs...maybe this union needs to think about cutting back some of their benefits so the union workers could continue to work? which is better: being laid off? or still having a job with the same benefits as you had last year (or the last time you negotiated benefits and raises)?

just a thought!

o btw, I am currently union member too! and I have been a so called scab when I worked construction too because the union workers were asking too much...i worked, they didn't! Unions can screw themselves if they're not careful!


Edited by mallard_drake85
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how would you feel if the company you worked for for years said by the way we are going to cut your pay in half today because there are so many people unemployed you are expendable. in MOST cases strikes are organized after a contract is up and for reasons of pay and bennifit cuts. not because the unions are asking for more.

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Hey Kat, I'll say this so you can chew on it a bit. You say 401K was so bad? You think Union pensions are so good? Two distinct advantages to 401K. One, you can take it with you no matter what job you switch to and two, if a business goes belly up, I still have my 401K. Two very big things that matter later in life. Another reason I hate all forced unions is that 99% of their political donations go to Democrats and progressives like Obama and the rest of his ilk. Gotta wonder why. Almost every union plant in Southern Illinois has gone belly up including Maytag where I had 3 uncles and two aunts lose their jobs. It's not fair pay when Unions force subjects down the throats of employers.

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I love the union. IUOE Local 112 and proud here. Don't RAT on my parade. :D

By the way, my pension is vested and guaranteed after 5 years of service....regardless if I quit or not. Also just so you know my union sent out letters in support of McCain....so once again, not ALL union is the same. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Busch lover :D :D :D.

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So what was the union trying to get for your neighbor and her co workers? I think that there needs to be checks and balances. Scabs show the unions that you dont need to pay more money then the surronding market should pay. If they can find someone to do there job for less money why shouldnt they? Because they are trained. So you think just because your in a union that you are the only ones who can be trained.....LOL. Now thats funny.And those"scabs" who are taking "your" job are people who need a job. And those people who are standing out there picking maybe they dont need that job so bad or they would be in there doing"their"job. I think union in my opnion was started out as a good thing back when it was needed but has turned into something of a breaker of america buisness. So Happy fourth to you union guys. I took a tour of the spring hill saturn plant 300 plus acre floor that made saturns. I could count maybe 12 people working when i went through. What the heck is that about I asked "oh union rules"but why are they just standing around drinking coffe and talking? not working. So I lost all my respect for the auto union. Im not saying that all are this way but to the ones who are shame on you. You will drive yourself right out work.

I am just a hard working american and think you get what you work for.

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I was the president, or chief shop steward if you will, of my Local for 17 years prior to my retirement. In those 17 years I saw both the good, and the ugly side of what a union can represent. When I first took the position in my Local, it wasn't get get more money or candy-coated benefits, but rather to try and support the workers who I saw were being trampled on by autocratic management. I like to think I was able to walk that thin line between helping my fellow workers and still maintain the belief that we were there to carry out a job with some pride and conviction.

I walked the picket lines on more than one occassion when in fact I could have gone into work as my employer had a negotiated policy with the unions of "designated employees", who were required by law to report to work. I had been tagged as one such "designated employee" as I was a supervisor and carrying out a fuction that was deemed "in the interest of public safety and security". I appealed to the employer to remove my name from the desigated list and alternate another employee in my place to work as I was a Union execitive. Although I had need of the money like averyone else, I was far more content to "walk the line" in support of my union's modest demands and not have to face the riducule of my fellow employees later on. I know every person has their own personal reasons for crossing the line, or not, but it was my own free choice, not to. In my case, I had no second guesses about my decision to be on the line and I sleep pretty good at night knowing that it was the right decision, for me.

It was my personal observation that a union is only as good, or bad, as the commitment and abilities of the employees and their Local executives. I did observe the nasty side of internal politics within the higherarchy of the union and have to say that I didn't like it much. But I will also have to say that I did make a number of friends in component regional and national offices that were dedicated and competent people, who sometimes had as much frustration fighting the union darkside as well as management's attempts to keep the workforce under their autocratic thumbs.

I was the picket captain on my Local's picket-line on the morning of September 11th when the Trade Buildings were bombed in New York City. It was the immediate decision of my Union's national excecutives to suspend ALL strike activity coast to coast at that time and settle for a somewhat less than expected settlement, citing national security and public safety and interests.

I can see both sides of the coin in this debate, but I am still proud to have served as a Union representative and equally proud to have called myself a union member. Do I sport a bumper sticker that says, "Buy The Union Label?". No I don't. But I do nod my head in approval whenever I hear of an employee who is supported in cases of desrimination or harrassment or who wins a grievance where they have been wrongly treated by another employee or management. And when after 37 years of work, I was able to retire with a pension that was negotiated by my Union, I have to say all in all, that my Union offered more pluses than minuses in my workplace.

In all the years in my work location, I can honestly only say that I ever saw one real scab, or an attempt at being a scab, and it wasn't pretty. The guy was a true to life A hole and had nothing to do with his family needing the money nor did he exhibit any values that any right thinking human would support. I saw him throw a football-like shoulder into a group of women in an effort to break through a miniscule and legitimate picket line. That employee remained working at my worksite for another 5 or so years before retiring with a union negotiated pension that he never once tried to reject. And in the 5 subsequent years prior to his retirement, hardly another employee spoke to him or exhibited any sign of respect or compassion. But then it was he that had to live with his decision and actions, not me. I still sleep just fine!


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But understand this...unions were born because of the abuses done to workers. Now if we can trust all bosses and owners to play fair...then there would be no need for any type of labor organization...right? No company would ever screw a worker(s) right? Everything a boss does is upfront and fair for the worker right?

That is why collective bargaining helps workers get a fair wage for a fair days work.

Not all unions are the same.

I stand by this statement.

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I stand by this statement.

What I see from most of the union workers is a dishonest days pay for doing the least amount of work possible...I stand by that statement!!!

I worked in a union shop and watched all the union people who were uneducated...had no college degree and wanted to get paid more than folks who went to college or trade schools and who tried their best to get out of doing an honest days work and wanted 2 days pay for an 8-hour day. They also would rather picket and shut down the shop I was working at (which they eventually did) than to work together to keep it running and supplying the products they were paid to do!

So NO!! I personally have no respect at all for folks who are in unions and who preach so feverishly to keep them up. In the shop I worked in 97 poeple union workers lost their jobs and were treated to a hot dog supper for more than 70 years of union dues when the shop closed! ...but then again, I guess I should just sit back and praise the unions for the hot dog supper...they were so giving in doing that, right?? I spit!

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