the 500 is over....

Guest deldeer

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Guest deldeer

now that the 500 is over & everyone got to voice their opinion on the end results, lets move on to ca. i really think kahne is going to bust out this week-end (got him in another pool), other than him i think you will have to watch out for, sadler,& newman, they seem to like these "cookie cutter" tracks. & you have to put gordon, johnson, dale jr. in the mix, should be an interesting race......good luck fellow league members !!!

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Re: the 500 is over....

i really hope kasey kahne does well, im kinda starting to like him...but im going to have to go with gordon here he always has pretty good luck at fontana.

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Re: the 500 is over....

I agree with the spyder guy. If the Dodges race good here, I'll look for Ryan Newman to have a strong showing and Rusty too.

With the new rules, it's hard to say.

I'd definitely like to see the Chevys be strong with the 48 team having problems. I'd love to see Jr. run well but these type tracks were a struggle for the 8 team last year, so it will be a big test for them.

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