Went over like a lead balloon....


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Been looking at some crotch rockets the last few months. Finally found a few I'm seriously considering buying. Really like the GSXR 600 and the CBR 600's. Somehow my mom found out today, ironically while I was out test driving a GSXR and called me flipping out. She can't believe after dad's wreck that I'd even consider getting a bike. I don't really see the problem tho. I mean the bike didn't hurt dad, it was a deer and a terrible unavoidable accident. It coulda happened in a car. Granted bikes are dangerous, but I don't see the point in living your life in a shell. I'll always have a helmet and a street jacket. Anything else is in God's hands rather I'm on a bike or in a car or even sitting on the couch watching TV.

I can tell me getting this bike, if i do, is going to be a fight and a half with the fam.

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The first thing you have to accept when riding a bike is that it's not a matter of if you go down, it's a matter of when. It's also not a matter of your driving as much as it is someone elses. People don't seem to see bikes going down the road. Don't get me wrong Kyle, I miss my Harley bigtime and will eventually get another one. It's just something to think about that everytime you get on a bike, it could be your second to last ride, if you know what I mean...

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Oh I know the dangers all to well. I watched my dad lay in a hospital intensive care unit for weeks. But I don't live my life like that. I work with Raw radioactive materials everyday. I work in a construction setting where people lose their lives every year. I don't live in fear of death. When I'm supposed to die I'm gonna die. I don't wanna get hurt at all. But I don't wanna not enjoy things due to fear or what ifs.

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The reaction you got is pretty typical I think. I know my mom would flip if I was gonna get one, but I cant afford one so it doesnt matter. Bikes have a bad reputation with them but I honestly think if you ride with common sense and dont get stupid on them than they arent as bad as everyone thinks. Ive got several buddies that have crotch rockets and only one of them has wrecked, and aside from a broken arm and some road rash he was fine. BTW I would prefer the CBR1000RR over the 600s, bigger is always better. lol

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I'm not trying to talk you out of it Kyle, and I remember your dad's situation very well. You just need to remember you have Cash to think about now too. Like I said, I miss mine and will get one again sometime. Your mom just loves you and doesn't want to see you get hurt... ;)

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I'll try to say this as nicely as I can so as not to offend.

When that little life named Cash came out and winked at you, you lost any and all ability to be doing dangerous things. Yes, I believe that when it is your time to go, you go. However, I also believe that if I attempted to tightrope walk across the grand canyon I could speed that process up....we are free will creatures.

Sorry, if for no other reason than your Mother, Father, Wife, and Son, you should table this idea until your Son gets older and out on his own and perhaps your parents are gone.

I hear people give the "when its my time its my time" argument and I somewhat agree. However, what if you are paralyzed and cannot work the job of yours which requires movement? People don't always die in these wrecks, they often end up being a burden to their families because they cannot move from the neck down.


Best of luck,


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Yep, sucks my brother.

Just be thankful for this...right now you lost your right to be senseless and do crazy things.....but soon you will lose your ability and that's a whole 'nother story my friend! :D

I'd like to try skydiving and would love to have a bike some day as it looks like fun. I have zero worries I could drive it slow and safe enough that I could avoid problems. However, it's always someone else that does you in it seems. Those things will have to wait until I walk my girl down the isle. Then its midlife crisis time.


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I've ridden and done other crazy stuff my entire life and love it. It's just who I am and being fearless I don't fear losing family or friends who don't approve. I'd stay away from the crotch rocket though just for gas mileage and comfort to ride issues. Out here I ride the freeway daily and feel ignored if I don't have a near miss daily. Besides don't you work at one of the most dangerous professions out there? It's okay to do that for money but not ride a motorcycle for pleasure? I laid pipeline on ski slopes when I was younger and it wasn't very safe if I remember.


Edited by m gardner
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Guest TennesseeTurkey

Just my opinion and Im sure you wont getpo'ed at my opinions like some other people seem to do about people's opinions here lately, but I think your crazy. Yeah it would happen ina car too but the risk is much greater on a bike than in a car. If you do get one just use your head when riding it. I wouldnt be doing wheelies at 75 like I see some people doing with a wife and baby boy...

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This is going to come down to you having to make the decision, not us ;) I can understand both sides of the arguement, about it being an unnecessary risk and all but the bulk of all accidents come from the other guy not watching out for you. If you got quick enough reflexes and good eyes, go for it.


P.S. I have never come in close contact with a bike, I pay extra extra attention to them :D

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I sold my bike recently mostly because my kids are too young to not have a dad to support them. I've lost too many friends to mc crashes. I've ridden a friend of mine's gixxer 1000, and man it's wicked fun, but not something good for long term survival. Too easy to push towards the 200 mark for me... I lack the self control

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I have never had a bike, nor will I likely ever own one. Not scared of them, just not my thing I guess.

I've got a lot of friends and guys that I used to work with that had bikes, and they were all pretty unanimous on this one:

"There's only two kinds of bikers. Those that have been down, and those that are going down!", as someone else has already eluded to.

As long as you can come to grips with that statement, git 'er done!


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I have never had a bike but have thought about getting one several times. They can be dangerous, there is no denying that. You have to respect them and watch out for others on the road and what they are doing. If we do get one some day it would probably be something like a VTX with a cruiser conversion. If not then it will be a soft top Jeep. I slowed down a lot after having kids. Used to ride my sleds like an arse. Everything changes when you have little ones. Now I just slide over and let people bye when before there was no way I would let anyone pass me. If you really want a bike go for it. Just be careful...

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My dad had a bike and his rules were not until you're 25 and out of my house. Well I'm older and have my own house, but now I've got a girlfriend that doesn't think highly of the idea. Everyone I know that's rode a bike has had a close call. Like you said though the risk is worth living a free and fulfilling one. Keep yourself in check when you feel a little invincible and most likely you'll be alright.

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