*My Nephew* Matt's Monster Buck


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I got this email from my Nephew Matt today. smile.gif

I was talking with my sister, in Ontario, last weekend and she told me Matt had gotten himself a Monster buck. It sure as heck is a Monster....WOW. shocked.gif

Congratulations Matt,

Those brow tines are just too much man shocked.gif... good shootin with that crossbow eh. grin.gif


Uncle Steve,

Sorry for the wait on the pictures I was waiting to get it scored. I had a guy rough score it at 194 5/8.

Anyway I met a really nice girl and her step dad hunts. So he had taken me out to one of his spots twice now.

He set me in a stand overlooking a soya bean field, We had seen doe's coming out there before but too far away.

So on my third time out ( Sun, Dec 26, 2004) on a afternoon hunt. We decided to set me up where they'd been

coming out. I brought my blind but when I picked a spot I thought looked good I decided not to use it,

unfolded my chair and sat against a tree on a laneway facing northwest, with hardwoods infront and

soya bean to my back with a strong wind out of the north. Conditions were perfect, an hour or so later

snowmobiles racing, kids yelling and the sun going down. I thought about leaving. Cold had set in

but I had seen deer come out here before at this time, deciding whether to leave or not I thought I heard footsteps.

I listened and heard it again, then he stepped out and stopped. I had my Excaliber crossbow up and ready,

I had snapped some branches before I sat down but one was hanging right there of course. I was about

to pull the trigger but hesitated and let him take a couple more steps, he stopped again about 25 yards.

I ducked the branch and pulled the trigger he turned and ran down the laneway tail down. It was then

when I seen the 24" inside spread of his rack I waited 5 minutes or so but could not wait any longer.

I walked up to where he was standing and followed his hoofprints in the snow for 10 yards. I found 2

specks of blood and decided to give him more time I left and returned with my hunting partners 20 minutes

later to track him down. The snow was now coming down hard and I was worried about seeing his tracks as

they were being covered. We headed off in his direction and to my suprise there he was 60 yards down the

trail double lunged. We lifted his head and counted the 17 points. I was in shock. I will never forget this hunt

as long as I live.


[/ QUOTE ]




I'm a proud Uncle ... he,he,he grin.gif

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