Our trip was cut short


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We are headed home, we received a phone call while we were in Silverton CO, my Grannys health has taken a turn for the worse. She can't eat anything, she can drink a little water. They said her stomach has shut down. Docs said it could be less than a week. Please pray that her passing will be as peaceful as possible.

When she was able to talk she told my mom that she was ready to go, she said she has lived a good life and is tired of being sick. She is the last grandparent I have left so its a little rough for me.

Also have an aunt who has less than a month, if you will say one for her too.



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Thanks everyone.

Just got an update on my aunt, she has been in the hospital for the past 2 days. They are releasing her today, there's nothing more they can do for her. Medical indications point to her having no more than 2 weeks. Unlike my granny, my aunt is scared of dying even though she is a Christian. She said she just isn't ready to go.

Its gonna be a rough few weeks ahead for both sides of my family.

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