3D Range


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The local game and fish association put together a 3D range, it took alotta hard work and money to get the trails cut and the targets bought, most of the initial money came from a bow raffel at the scoring night in december, and now with it gaining popularity and more people buying memberships its really taking off, its actualy quite challenging, there is 20 targets in total, two treestands to shoot out of and shots ranging from 5 yards to 45 yards, just thought id share some pictures, its alot of fun and great practice and a good thing to get going if you dont already have one


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Thats a shame that some one would do that, our targets are kept indoors except for every thursday night, which is archery night, all the people who cut the lanes and trails, put them out and bring them in, and built the two treestands, do it on there own time, and every week we have more and more people come, its a great time

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