Thinking about loose powder

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I love the convenience of pelletized powder but loose powder has more of an appeal to me. I ordered a range flask and powder measure so I'll try them out and see how I like them. I still have about 20 or so pellets left that I'll use of the range tomorrow though :cool: Can't leave 'em layin around.


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...what they said. i've got 30gr and 50gr 777 pellets to mix and match, but you're still limited. I've been in contact with Don Luhr from Western Powders and I might be switching to loose powder soon. Keep premeasured amounts with you in the field, don't spill, and the inconvenience factor goes down.

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If you use loose powder, try BlackHorn 209. Cleanest burning powder on the market. I can fire 30, 40, 50 shots without swabbing or cleaning and accuracy is not affected a bit. Its pricier than 777, but trying loading after 3-4 shots with 777 and you'll see the difference. 100 grs., 200 gr. Hornady XTP, 1 1/2-2" groups all day long.


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Also the powder is way cheaper to shoot than pellets.

I have noticed that and that is one of the reasons I'm considering switching. I checked at Gander Mountain this morning but they were in between moving aisles around so I couldn't find any powder. Oh well, try again later I guess.


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I have certain BP guns that prefer certain powders. My 20 year old T/C Thunderhawk will only shoot loose powder accurately. For some strange reason with even pyrodex pellets it is all over the place. Put 90 grs of Pyrodex RS down its throat, and it drives nails. My CVA don't like loose powder, only 777 pellets.

I think one gets a better burn with loose powder. More surface area with all the nooks and crannies from the granules to catch fire when the primer ignites. That what the hole in the pellets is supposed to offer. A burn spot to assist from the inside out.

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