Jackie Bushman?


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Why do I not like Bushman?? Because I was just sitting at Zaxby's eating lunch and I receive a call.... "Hey, how are you?, How was your deer season?, For this special price you can join.... blah, blah, blah"

I gave them my number well over 2 years ago and I still receive calls weekly... It's ridiculous.

Plus, his hunting shows are a joke

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ANNOYING PHONE CALLS with the same boring script! Relentless. I answer and leave the phone unattended every now and then for the kick of it.

I've actually met him a few times at Buckmasters in August at his expo and he is a pleasant fellow. Maybe the 1% response rate he gets from the ANNOYING PHONE CALLS makes him enough money he does not care about the other 99% ?

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I was geting the annoying calls almost every day and asking how my season went, blah, blah as if they really cared. Kept telling them I told them no last night and I'm telling them no tonight again! They finally stopped, at least for now. I basically like his show. It may be about him but what hunting show isn't aout the stars of the show? I don't mean that in a bad way, it's just the way it is. Different personalities rub people different. He doesn't really bother me.

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Don't know the guy...but the persona he puts out there is all about drumming up money for Buckmasters or Jackie Bushman.

If you can watch his show...count how many times he says his name. ME ME ME ME ME...

Not to mention the harassing phone calls from his telemarketers.

He may well be a hunting vid pioneer, but somewhere he took a wrong turn.

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I don't like or dislike the guy, I never joined or signed up for anything from buckmasters and they still called my house on a nightly basis. I told them I wouldn't join an organization that would have me as a member and endoreses the practice of poaching and there was dead silence on the other end of the phone and I never heard from them again, that was several years ago.

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