Mosquitoes this year!!


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Is anyone else seeing an overabundance of Mosquitoes this year? They're horrible around here this year. I can hardly step outside without getting attacked. I either have to use the Off fan or spray down when going out to the garden or shooting my bow. I went in the woods last weekend, going back tomorrow, and was almost eaten alive. It's like they were drinking deet lately or something. I'm going to spray the yard, bushes, etc down this weekend with either permethrin or bifenthrin and see if theat will help some. Hunting season is going to be nuts with them this bad...

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They are horrible this year, through the second half of may and june we got about 16 inches of rain, so there is standing water everywhere, and they are normally bad in manitoba, but this year is horrible, the worst ive ever seen, after shooting fot about 2.5 hours last night and eating about 1000 of those little bastards my hands were covered in bites and today im just itchin and scratching like crazy

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They haven't been too bad here at all really. Funny though, my buddy and I were fishing here on the Ottawa River a couple days ago, Ontario on this side and Quebec is on the other side. We stopped at a beach on the Quebec side and the mosquitoes were unreal!!!! Hardly any on here on the Ontario side. Only a mile or two separates us.... :confused:

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The mosquitos here are the worst I've ever seen them. They're not only numerous, but they're also out all day long. Usually daylight hours aren't bad in the backyard, but for some reason this year, the daytime isn't forcing these vampire-symptomed critters back into their darkened lairs!

Eyes h8s SKITTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :gunsmilie:


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