Squirrel Contest Rules 2010!

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The rules are the same as last year. I am going to be helping Tominator this year with it.

Teams will be drawn at random.

1) We measure tails per team. Top 10 tails with the longest combined measurement wins (qty doubled from last year). Teams will be held at low numbers to help increase the activity per team.

2) Pictures have to be clear and NOT questionable. Measurements taken from the underside of tail (business end) to the very tip. Make sure the entire length of measurement is viewable.

3) Pay Special Attention when measuring the animal and documenting. Any question in the measurements and the animal will be disqualified.

4) Please include a grouped photo with all animals for the day (or at the time of harvest).

5) Sign up will be in a separate thread pinned at the top. Sign up will last until September 1, Midnight. Teams will be chosen at that point and game on. Submissions will be allowed September 1st. Any animal taken Wednesday September 1st or later will add to the accumulative team score. The contest-end will be announced at the time the teams are drawn (based on season lengths and dates of participants).

6) If someone disagrees with the disqualification of any animal I will poll a few long standing members of the forum, through PM's. If the majority agrees, the animal will be disqualified.

7) And most of all, everyone have fun and play fair. This should be a good time.....

Any questions or comments go ahead and post em.

Sign up will be in a separate thread pinned at the top. I will work on it next.

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