what gun?

Guest MarylandQDMA

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Guest MarylandQDMA

ok I have hunted fox and coons now for years with a 22lr. does the trick. well I want to add yots to my list of predator hunting. I also get a chance to take out an occational ground hog as well. what round will work for these critters, the .22lr, .17hmr or .22wmr?

was thnkiing of buying either the .17 or .22wmr. what would you get?

just thought of this, how about a .410 slug?


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Re: what gun?

i would go with the .22 mag, i do not know much about the .17, all i know is that the shells are pretty expensive. i use a .22 mag, and it has never let me down, they have quite a bit of power for the size of the cartridge. you could use a .410 slug, i wouldnt use it unless i had sights on the barrel of the .410, but at close range it shouldnt be a problem, i would still go with the .22 mag though.

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Re: what gun?

While your looking at things, look at JCWA'a tip of the week collection...great stuff. I don't like the .17 HMR, .22 LR, or .22 mag for standard yote hunting. They just don't pack the punch at distances over 100 yards. I've shot bobcats with the .17 a dropped 'em instantly with the .17 but under 100 yards.

I think most of the guys use variants of the .22 centerfire cartridges such as 220 Swift, 22-250, .223, etc. I personally shoot the .222 remington which was the precursor to the .223. I also use a shotgun with #4 HevyShot for close in work.

I've heard some really great thngs about the new .204 Ruger, too.

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Re: what gun?


The 17 has more velocity and shoots flatter than the 22wmr. BUt the 22 has more energy.

[/ QUOTE ] I think you are wrong there buddy. I may br mistaken, but i am almost positive that the .17hmr has more energy than a .22mag. I have heard of a lot of people taking yotes out to 200 yards with a 17hmr,(for that, you would need to use the hollow point of soft point). I would be more confident at longer ranges with the hmr than the .22mag, because of better ballistics and generally better accuracy.

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Re: what gun?



The 17 has more velocity and shoots flatter than the 22wmr. BUt the 22 has more energy.

[/ QUOTE ] I think you are wrong there buddy. I may br mistaken, but i am almost positive that the .17hmr has more energy than a .22mag. I have heard of a lot of people taking yotes out to 200 yards with a 17hmr,(for that, you would need to use the hollow point of soft point). I would be more confident at longer ranges with the hmr than the .22mag, because of better ballistics and generally better accuracy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Most of it depends on what grain bullet you are useing....The lighter the bullet the faster it will lose energy. Hence the reason HEVI shot is better at long ranges than lead...its heavier.

I thought the 17 was lighter than the 22mag so the mag would retrain more energy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: what gun?

i would go with a 22mag they are pretty good for varmits.the 22lr works just fine as well. got to remeber yotes are not much bigger then 60lbs. and you dont really need any thing very big. i would rather go with a 22 hornet. the hornet is a centerfire round and it can be reloaded.i can kill out to about 250yards. and it is also leagle to kill deer with. lol. so it is reall up to you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: what gun?

I personaly have a problem with the .17hmr. It is expensive as anything out there but as a rimfire it can't be reloaded...a waste of money to me. Balisticaly I would go with the new ruger 204...partly because I am a ruger fan and partly because it shoots flat like the 17 but retains energy even better than the 22's.

Honestly though any thing from the 204 to the 243 would be a fine choice. I wouldn't go above 100grs for the heavier calibers though.

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