Little help

hungry hunter

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Allright folks, need alittle help on this one, AGE syndrome has caught up with me and I am having a problem shooting with Bi-focals (glasses). My anchor point puts me between the frame and eye socket. If I push my glasses up then the line on the lens gives me two peeps. I still shoot fine without (I think) but the war department says the VA give ya them for a reason. And for those that wear glasses in the stand how do ya avoid getting busted. thanks, Fred

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I wear bifocals too and I had the same problem seeing the sight of the bow. I had a second pair of glasses made that are just for long vision. The sight is far enough from my eye that I don't need the up close lens. it works great. As far as being busted I assume you mean light reflecting off the lens. I had them apply a coating that they use for people that stare at computers all day long. It reduces the light reflection. Then I am careful to set up so I'm not looking into the sun. Haven't been busted yet as far as I know.


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