Very nice symetrical eight.


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I think I must have put the camera a little to high for the bucks that were curious to my camera. I really messed up there, but caught this buck several times, only got to see the rack though. I like to see his whole body to determine his age, but I like the rack. Wish his brows were longer.


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Hmm I think your camera is fine Casey, I just think its a really short deer, like a midget deer or something. I always knew Indiana had some weird stuff in it. :D

LOL that's funny! Nice buck though Casey. Put a stick or some kinda prop behind the top part of the cam to tilt it.

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Looks like he will have some good height to him Casey.

On the camera, I usually run my cameras a little high(around 4 ft) and wedge a stick behind the top of them to give them an angle down. Rare I run a camera lower than 3 feet. Whether yours is too high would depend on whether or not the majority of your pics are coming from that close, may need to consider a different tree. Camera at my mineral site has to be high due to uneven ground and I get the occasional head shots like yours when deer come through closer than normal, looks like the ground there may be a little uneven as well.

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