What would you do...need a little help


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Yes, this has to do with hunting! And I probably should have posted it in the small game forum but I put it here instead. Ok, so this is the last 3 days of small game season. I want to get a grouse and I know where one is. There is a small patch of hemlocks in the middle of some open hardwoods. I have scared this grouse out of the hemlocks, it is always roosted, but I can never get a shot. How should I approach it so that if it flies, I can get a good shot. It usually seems to fly into the open hardwoods but that is because I'm usually coming at it from a swamp into the pines. I am thinking about taking my gun and the binocs and sneaking to where I can see the pines and see if I can spot it roosted. Those darn grouse are near invisible!! Thanks for the help guys. I'm goping to get some squirrel and rabbit also before the end of hunting till turkey *sniff sniff*,lol!

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Re: What would you do...need a little help

This is what I would do; try to sneak (making little if any noise) in as close as possible to one side of the hemlocks and, using a slingshot (a strong throwing arm might suffice) launch some small stones into the far side of the patch of hemlocks. This technique works well for rousing out all sorts of critters, including deer (which usually do not leave in full flight mode), and can be used by the individual hunter as another tool to hunting success. All you need is a supply of small stones and an inexpensive sling shot. Good luck!

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