My opinion...sorry in advance.


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So the question has been tossed around lately on why this place has been so slow and everyones beginning to post less and less. Well I think I have a pretty good answer and I think my suzuki thread is a good example of what happened.

I made a thread sharing something I did on my day off with my family and some pics. Getting a motorcycle is something I'm excited about. I'm well aware of the dangers of them.....remember June 18th, 2009 I almost lost my dad on his.

In the thread I get told I probably can't afford it, my son should get a college fund instead, I should spend it this way or that way. Yet nobody knows if I do or do not already have a fund/life insurance policy for Cash. Nobody knows how much money I make, or my financial situation with the exception of maybe one person in here. I just felt like I was getting lectured like I was when I was late getting home as a kid or something....yet I didn't ask for advice or opinions. I just wanted to share something I thought was cool and in turn I get posts about how I am being irresponsible essentially. It's stuff like this that makes me not want to post here much anymore, and I feel that there are several ( of those who still come here ) that would agree.

For what it's worth I have a good job, good insurance, and God forbid if something did happen to me on a bike, or at my VERY DANGEROUS job, my family will be well taken care of financially. If I'm supposed to die on a motorcycle, I will die on one. My time is set to die. Only God knows how, when, and why.

Sorry to those I offend in this post. I don't mean anything bad towards you and I am not mad at you. I just think this is a good example on the decline of this forum.

Let the flaming begin!

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here is my opinion on this. your an adult you make your own money and pay your bills. You and only you know what you need to do to provide for your family. If you can afford those things then more power to you. I don't think people should judge a person when they don't know the situation that one is in. and you are right when your time is up on this earth the good Lord will call you home.

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People are going to give you their opinion on an openly public forum, you of all people should know that Kyle. Even in this thread, opinions are still being shared, big deal man, don't take it so personal. Kind of jerkish to point out that the reason people aren't posting is because of opinions being stated openly. It's summer time and my guess is a lot of people are just enjoying their time elsewhere, so quit your crying and do whatever makes you happy. Not intended to offend you, I just don't think this thread is necessary.

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Good post man. Live how you want to. I do. I like to go fast on my sleds when the time is right. Not many people know how much money you make. No one should care. You should expect negative comments from time to time. That's life on the net. More bad then good it seems. Sorry if I offended you in any way. I did not mean to if I did. Again, live your live how you want to. It is yours and yours alone. Speaking of going fast... haha...

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It's summer time and my guess is a lot of people are just enjoying their time elsewhere, so quit your crying and do whatever makes you happy.

You would have this opinion ( and you are partly correct ) since your somewhat new still. The forum does go through a lull, but never like this. Many good members have vacated the forum. I still talk to many on FB and they don't post anymore largely due to the very reason I posted about.

So instead of being a troll and posting a smartass reply, next time look that I was simply stating MY opinion on one of the main reasons this forum has lost it's fun factor. I make a valid point.....

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Good point, it's all about opinions, and mine is that you obviously are having doubts about purchasing that bike, because if you didn't you wouldn't have taken some of the comments in your thread so serious or personal. As far as calling me a troll? I don't know what you mean by that so I don't know what to say.

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Ok, so I will try to be a little more sophisticated and type with dignity in this post. Here goes............with an European accent.

The human race, whilst not perfect, has a tendancy to intervene in situations when, at times, it isn't neccessary. Sometimes we, as mere imperfect humans, tend to overlook the simplist facts. Such as is with the thread in question.

I believe in today's society that each cohort of our young are more technologically sophisticated than the previous year. With that being said, I believe you, Kyle, will make the correct decision on the matter at hand.

In other words......I agree with you. Sometimes opinions are given when they ain't needed.

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Ok, so I will try to be a little more sophisticated and type with dignity in this post. Here goes............with an European accent.

The human race, whilst not perfect, has a tendancy to intervene in situations when, at times, it isn't neccessary. Sometimes we, as mere imperfect humans, tend to overlook the simplist facts. Such as is with the thread in question.

I believe in today's society that each cohort of our young are more technologically sophisticated than the previous year. With that being said, I believe you, Kyle, will make the correct decision on the matter at hand.

In other words......I agree with you. Sometimes opinions are given when they ain't needed.

I take it, that's what he meant by being a Troll???

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Good point, it's all about opinions, and mine is that you obviously are having doubts about purchasing that bike, because if you didn't you wouldn't have taken some of the comments in your thread so serious or personal. As far as calling me a troll? I don't know what you mean by that so I don't know what to say.

You missed my point again....oh well I tried. Maybe some day you will have the capacity to understand what this thread is about. It's not even about the motorcycle. It's how the thread was responded too............

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Oh ok, you win, you are better than me and I will just never get life on RT forums, I'm just so NEW I don't know my head from my ass. I'm sorry you didn't get the response that you wanted to from both of your threads. But really, I'll stop now, goodnight.

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Oh ok, you win, you are better than me and I will just never get life on RT forums, I'm just so NEW I don't know my head from my ass. I'm sorry you didn't get the response that you wanted to from both of your threads. But really, I'll stop now, goodnight.

Typical Realtree post these days.....

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Get back on topic...................big brother is watching. :shifty:

On topic?

Here's my opinion.

Why does everyone care so much about everyone else's life and what they do. You should only care about yours, your familys, and anybody's that effects your family. If someone wants to do something, so be it, why does it matter so much to you. Do you get a better feeling about yourself by trying to act all knowing and knowledgable about some sort of topic without really knowing the details. I know for one, i will continue to post my opinion where I see fit, untill I'm banned. If you have a problem about my opinion cry to me in a PM. I will most likely not respond and just laugh at you. People have their opinions and make their own choices. Let them deal with the consequences wether they be good or bad. To each their own. Get off your high horse and chill the **** out. Be excited for someone for purchasing an item that they have wanted for a while now.

(not proof reading, so call me out on all my grammar mistakes)

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