Headed to Alaska


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We're headed to Alaska towards the end of the month. Been needing some down time and I've always wanted to go to Alaska...we decided you can put things off for the rest of your life, so we just bought the tickets. I only wish I was hunting while I'm there....maybe next time.

So, we're flying in to Anchorage and staying there. Are there any "must do" items on our first trip out? Trying to get by without renting a car on this trip, but we'll see. Have train tickets booked as well. I'd like to try my hand at the fishing that I've always heard is so phenomenal, but don't know where to start or if anything is running that time of year. We'll probably take a day to see Anchorage and maybe the zoo and head out to see if we can spot some whales. Anything else??? It's such a big state with so much to do, and this is our first time out.


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How many days are ya goin for? Last time I went to AK it was in August and it ws perfect weather. Still warm in the interior but cool at the coast. Nights were cool but still had some light in the sky around 10PM and later. Like you said, there's so much to see and do that it can't possibly all be done in one trip. We spent a lot of time on the road - went to the Arctic Circle, climbed a glacier, saw the pipeline, and did some other stuff. Did a little fishing but nothing major. To do it all takes lots of time and money so my advice is to visit several times and do a little each time. I'm headed back up in January. Have fun buddy!

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The trip from Anchorage to Seward is AWESOME!!!!!!!

I have heard that as well, but never done it. Kenai Peninsula is a good place to look into to go fishing, be it halibut or salmon, the Kenai river runs through here to Cook Inlet. Homer Point is at the very tip of the Peninsula, and it is a pretty neat place to visit as well. You probably should rent a car, just so you can get around and see the country side. I don't think you will be disappointed

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Ditto on the train ride from Anchorage to Seward.

If you go to the town market in Anchorage on saturday and are looking at buying an Ulu Knife. Be sure to check out Leroy Barlip's Ulu's before you buy. He's makes great Ulu's. They also often have free outdoor concerts downtown if weather permits.

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I've never been to Alaska, but we too have a tripped planned this year. When I was considering moving there, Kenai was often brought up by the folks I talked to as the best fishing spot in the world! I hope you have a good time...I can't wait for our trip this winter!

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