Indiana DNR wants your comment on new Deer Regs....LOOK!!

Scarlet Dew

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Some of you may know that the Indiana DNR is trying to get our state to a level of Quality Deer that will be the envy of all the states........they have some AWESOME deer proposals in place that show an interest in managing our deer herd and ending up with a quality hunting experience that most responsible sportsmen and women are looking for.

The Indiana DNR would also like your comments on the new proposals, and the hunters that are supporting this proposal are asking others to also fill in their comments of support at this link.......

Scroll down to the "Deer Amendments" Section and fill in your supportive comments. :yes:

For those that are unfamiliar with this new they are..........And don't forget to pass this link for commenting on to others!! Fill it out while you still can. The Indiana DNR wants to hear from you and needs your supportive comments!!

Here are the new rules........


Moves the definition of crossbow to the definitions section, instead of defining it in 312 IAC 9-3-3

Adds a definition of ground blind

General Requirements and Licenses

Adds the new nonresident youth deer license types

Adds license requirements for the new special antlerless seasons

Requires hunter orange for youth hunters during the youth special deer season and during the new antlerless only seasons; hunter orange is already required for all deer hunters during the firearms and muzzleloader seasons

Requires at least 144 square inches of hunter orange material on a ground blind used while deer hunting during a season when a hunter is already required to wear hunter orange

Requires the owner’s name and address on ground blinds used on department properties

Hunting Equipment

Allows a crossbow to be used by hunters who are at least 64 years old during the early archery season

Allows a crossbow to be used during the deer firearms and muzzleloader seasons by hunters of any age

Allows a hunter of any age to use a crossbow in an urban deer zone during the urban deer season.

Allows a rifle cartridge to have a maximum case length of 1.8 inches instead of 1.625 inches

Seasons and Bag Limits

Allows youth hunters to take the number of antlerless deer allowed in each county during the special youth deer season (in addition to one antlered deer)

Extends the urban deer season through January 31 of the following year

Requires hunters to take at least one antlerless deer prior to taking an antlered deer in the urban deer season

Expands the urban deer zones in Lake and Porter counties to all of those counties

Changes the deer firearms season to start on the first Saturday before Thanksgiving and continue for only 8 additional days

Shortens the deer muzzleloader season to only 9 days

Adds an antlerless deer only firearms season in October (2 days only) in counties with an antlerless quota of 4 or more. The hunter may take the number of antlerless deer in each county allowed under the bonus county quota.

Adds another antlerless deer-only firearms season from December 25 through January 1 of the following year. The hunter may take the number of antlerless deer in each county allowed under the bonus county quota.

Military Reserves and National Wildlife Refuges

Opens the firearms season on designated military reserves and national wildlife refuges on October 1 instead of November 1

Adds the new nonresident youth deer hunting license types

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