vacation fund


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"As the Chicago Sun-Times' Lynn Sweet reports, by the end of the summer, the first lady will have taken eight vacations."

Glad we could offer such a lifestyle for our queen. Our public officials (who work for us) and their families sure are making some tough sacrifices during these times. Not sure I have ever been on 8 vacations in my life...

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I am not up for supporting obama, I think most of what he is trying to do is incorrect, however as is common practice, all vacations of the first family are paid for by their own money, so.... considering they are millionaires its not that big of a deal. Barack ran for president of this country not his wife or 2 daughters

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I am not up for supporting obama, I think most of what he is trying to do is incorrect, however as is common practice, all vacations of the first family are paid for by their own money, so.... considering they are millionaires its not that big of a deal. Barack ran for president of this country not his wife or 2 daughters

You are correct, they pay for the vacation portion of these trips out of pocket. However, the jet and protective service they use ( this trip valued close to 180k) is out of mine and your's wallet. Not to mention 8 vacations looks bad when the country is struggling regardless of who is paying. Just like when BP CEO took heat for going on his yacht during the gulf issue, which I'm sure wad paid out of his pocket. So if she feels she must take vacations, at least do it where it affects our economy and not Spains. This could uplift or "stimulate" a small community just by visiting. Then again, our cities are not progressive enough. As for we elected Barak and not his family, not at this level. It is a package deal.

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I am not up for supporting obama, I think most of what he is trying to do is incorrect, however as is common practice, all vacations of the first family are paid for by their own money, so.... considering they are millionaires its not that big of a deal. Barack ran for president of this country not his wife or 2 daughters

You "almost correct". They pay for the "Obama" part. On this current trip to Spain YOU THE TAXPAYER, PAY FOR THE PLANE AND THE SECURITY AND ALL THE FOOD AND ROOMS FOR THE SECURITY AND STAFF. Note: they rented 60 -70 rooms at a five star hotel.... average room price 500-1,500 per night X 4 nights = $120,000.00 (at the low end for just rooms. Not including meals and tips).

8 Vacations this summer????

good luck to all

the dog

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