Stuck Rusty Things

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Anyone got any secrets that will loosen up rusted on parts?

I've got an old plow that has a flat on it. I finally got the lug nuts off the rim, now I see the rim is actually rusted to the hub. I hit it with a little WD40 and whacked it with the sledge a few times, to no avail.

I haven't tried the butane torch yet, but that's my next move unless one of you geniuses can help me out. :D

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I'd hit it with a good penetrating oil overnight, like liquid wrench or PB blaster and then hit it with a sledge hammer. Otherwise some heat from that torch might help get enough expansion going to break it.

It's all this DB has, sounds like your already doing all you can do. Sometimes you got to cuss to get parts to move. :D

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I can't think of anything else that hasn't been mentioned or you haven't tried...yet. I tried to call one of my best friends but didn't get to talk to him yet. He's a mechanical marvel with that stuff and he also owns a Goodyear tire dealership.

The only thing I can think of is...get a bigger sledge hammer...or get 2 and a buddy to help swing them with you.

If my buddy calls with another option, I'll post it for ya Chris.

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The AC Delco Penetrating Fluid is the best stuff I've used, haven't used any of the above fluids other than WD 40, and it puts WD 40 to shame. Let it soak for a day or two, keep spraying it throughout the day. Give it a good whack or two and it should pop off. A torch would help too!

My favourite tire removal tool when I encounter this at work is an old torsion bar that weighs about 30lbs, lay the end on the floor and take a big swing, wind up with like Babe Ruth and drill it! Just don't forget to put a lug nut on a few turns so the tire doesn't go flying off and side swipe a $80,000 Caddy! :eek::D

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Chris my buddy that owns the Goodyear tire dealership recommended spraying in with WD40, including the area where you removed the lug nuts. The AC Delco stuff Shaun mentioned sounds even better. Make sure you have it blocked up so it doesn't drop on you when you attempt to remove the rim. Tap the sides all the way around the rim to try to loosen up some of the rust to allow whatever fluid you choose to soak in better. After it's soaked in for a while, wack it good with a sledge hammer. If it doesn't come off start over.

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So did you get it loose??

Usually use WD-40 or PB Blaster here. Start hitting it a couple days before trying to loosen it. Soak it several times & let it work.

A 3/4" drive socket with a stout breaker bar will usually loosen whatever you have that's tight. Heat works wonders, too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My favorite penetrant is "Thrust" made by Castle products. Trust me I have used them all and found this to be far better than anything else.

Spray the hub area and in the holes left under the lug nuts, let it sit for a few hours and spray again. No penetrant will give instant results. If you do resort to heating the wheel you should remove the hub afterward and check to be sure the grease hasn't melted away from the outer bearing.

I don't like pounding too hard on a wheel as there are bearings inside the hub which can be damaged or destroyed by doing so.

Chances are the bearings haven't been serviced in a while, so this might be a good time to do so anyway.

Good luck,


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