I'm Alive, vacation update, PIC HEAVY


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I spent the last week down in South Carolina for a much needed vacation from this crazy state of Washington. What better place to go than back home. My family and I spent the week at our river house, in Georgetown SC. Spent the days out on the dock fishing, relaxing, kneeboarding, wakeboarding, tubing and enjoying cold Corona's. Also spent one day on the coast surf fishing for Spottails with my cousin. All in all it was an amazing trip which made me miss it there so much more. If I could figure out how to make money there I would move back in a hearbeat. Anyhow, he is my trip in a Picture story....














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"Paddle faster, I hear banjos"



By far, the best shirt to wear in an airport. You would be amazed at the comments you get. I could not go 5 minutes without someone commenting on it. Most were "thats shirt is great, blah blah blah", then I would have some offer to buy it off my back, and then I would get the random, "what canoe team are you on?"

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That's some beautiful country.

You need to lose some weight.

tell me about it. I am down from 252 to 233, which is 41 lbs down from my heaviest of 274. Stayed at 233 for the last 2 months. Tomorrow starts my next journey. September first, I want to be at 220. Then 210 by October First. Pics to come in the following months. Might as well post up pics of my fatass so you folks can make fun of me which will give me motivation. keep it coming!

Edited by 92xj
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I'm only hackin with ya buddy, I have no room to talk.

What did y'all catch the reds on? Mud minnows?

I did not take any offense to it. I know I need to. I dont mind at all being made fun of. It only helps me in the long run. serious.

mini mullet caught in the cast night.

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Cool. I need to get down to Galveston and do some surf fishing, I hear the specs are on right now.

What about the catfish, trot line or hand fishing?

BTW- I replied to your text from earlier........

the catfish I have pictures of were with nightcrawlers. The 20+ pounders I caught at night that I do not have pics of with on live brim. Also, caught a 3.5foot gar on dead brim. He tried to bite me and I throw his tail on the dock and he flopped in the water before my sister could take the pic.

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