I really hated to do it...


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Poor ole thing...

I had to get a gun and put it down the other day...:bummed:

It had seen it's last days and got to the point that it was on it's last leg...

We have seen alot of country together and traveled a many of roads around here...

Oh...I forgot to mention that it was our 96 Ford 1 Ton...

Yep...It is a sad, sad day for sure...

Here I was just driven along humming the tune (Don't Mess With My Toot Toot) when all of a sudden it just quit going...

After a few choice words I threw at it,:taped: while I'm climbing out of the truck...

I thought maybe the drive shaft fell off or something...CL--OSE!!!

Try the whole dadgum transmission...LOL...:yes:

That's right...The whole tranny and transfer case hit the ground...

I have always seen things like this happen on TV but never in real life... But this was for real...

I nearly busted a gut when I seen it and starting Hummin' the Tune(Another Bites The Dust)...

So I got my 9mm out and put it down...:2guns:

Perfect broadside shot...Right trow the door panel...

But...On a good note...

I am now driving a 09 Chevy extended cab 1 ton with the Duramax Diesel engine...

This thing is awesome...:yes:

It has alot of power for hauling 20 1000lb. round bales off the field...

But as a memory of the 96 Ford...Were going to make a bridge out it...

We have a drainage ditch here that needs a crossing...:clap:

Oh...Am I going to miss the Ford...

Being this is a family site...Let me just say... No...LOL...

Now I have a Tractor giving fits...But for $95.000 for a new one I think I'll get this one fixed...:jaw:

Just wanted to stop in and say Howdy...

Been pretty busy here on the Ranch and to say that I haven't forgot about yall here in the forums...

Well I gotta go...

Duty Calls and I have another 3000 bales to get off the field before I'm caught up with the baler...

Have a good one Folks...


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Don't you just hate it when you have to put an old friend down like that!!:clown:. I recall from my old duck hunting days a guy doing that to a motorized pirogue, except he used a 12 ga. pump. LMBO

Oh...Am I going to miss the Ford...

Being this is a family site...Let me just say... No...LOL...

I felt that way about OJ too. (my old camp truck - 1993 Ford Bronco) Weird how Fords make ya feel that way eh? :D

Enjoy the new Chevy Dale...I'm still enjoying both of mine. ;)

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