My bow let go


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Went into the room where I keep all my hunting/reloading stuff last nite. There lays my Browning.......string blown apart and limp as a rag. This is the second bow in 3 years that has just self-destructed its string between seasons. The string and cables were needing replaced (didn't look bad but were getting on in years) anyways. Guess there's no choice now.

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  redkneck said:
Never had that happen Don. Sounds like that hooch vapor is eating them up. :D

All the hooch is bottled. Didn't make any this summer. So it ain't that.

The string is original Browning.............. 2001 or 2002 vintage. Looked in good shape. But I suppose it's my fault for not having it replaced before now.

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  dogdoc said:
i've heard of that but have never seen it happen. i'd rather it happen at rest then when pulling her back.

Yep that happened to me a couple years ago. I was at full draw and then POW!... everything exploded. Scared the crap out of me, but I wasnt hurt except for a little welp on my arm. Shattered the arrow too, luckily none of the arrow went thru my hand or arm. The string had broke and there was no wear showing on it at all. I had just bought the bow the year before.

I really need to replace my strings again, they are 3 years old now I think. They look alright, so Im gonna try and make it thru this season with them.

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Had that happen to me once. I had just finished a round of shooting and really wore myself out. I took the bow back in the house. Laid it down next the bed and laid down in bed. 30 minutes later the bow sprung apart with me laying right next to it.

I don't know why. The string wasn't even a year old. It broke right there at the end loop where it goes around the post in the cam.

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