Whats considererd a good follow thru???


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All those are correct, everyone likes to see what there shooting and where the arrow hits so they drop there bow away to see where the arrow hits and you always miss. SO watch the arrow hit the target through your site. And another is form everything you do when you shoot has to be repeated on every shot or you will see a different hit or miss. next thing relax and dont shoot to quickly never rush take a breath and release easy no hard pulls. Another big problem dont knock your arrow from the side, put the arrow on the rest and knock it that way. The reason is that if you do it from the side you will turn the string to lay it on the rest. Therefore you peep site will be turned wrong and your shot will be off. Bows are science up is down and down is up left is right and right is left when your sighting in. You shoot high you move the pin higher, you shoot to the left you move it to left. But the best advice is shoot with someone who has done it then its simple.

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