Do you believe in ghosts?

Ravin R10 man

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Re: Do you believe in ghosts?


Gee Thanks!

Now I have to go and change my shorts and plus the wife is mad at me for getting the floor wet... crazy.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

All that house training gone to waste!! Dale, tell your wife that a rolled up newspaper works wonders.... grin.gif

As for the pic, I pulled it on everyone I could last year. It was awesome.... grin.gif

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Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

I do believe couse we have had really wierd things in our house but i if talk about them peopel think I am more cracked than they allready do lol!

BTW thnaks alot I was reall7y looking for a problem eyes 6" away from the screen and I jumped and ya if I had any undies on they would need changin lol!!

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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

you scared the crap out of me my dog was barking like somebody was at the door....and it didn't help any being

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Re: Do you believe in ghosts?

Oh my god.... LOL

I seriously almost jumped out of my skin. I was kinda close to the computer screen looking for whatever I was supposed to see that was out of the ordinary and that thing popped up. I flew back in my chair and said a few curse words. shocked.gif I thought my heart was gonna burst out of my chest it was beating so hard. LOL

Thanks for scaring the poop outta me... crazy.gif

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