Acorn Crop

Ethan Givan

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How is the acorn crop in your area this year? I was trimming shooting lanes for a stand the other night and I got to looking at some white oaks nearby and they had lots of acorns. Walnuts and Hickory trees are loaded as well. Didnt have many last year. Does a big acorn crop help you during deer season or hurt you? People usually have different opinions about it. I know some people that hunt food plots alot say they see less deer when they have alot of acorns.

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I'll be out soon with the binoculars checking things out. Some of them can hide from you way up high. I have a lot of white oaks and swamp chestnuts to hunt and hope they do better than they have the last 2 years. A big crop can make bowhunting a little more challenging, but I still like to see them dropping good. Last year the water oaks in the plots were about the best producers and deer flowed to them. I think they like the easy pickins out in the fields.

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Super wet spring, should amount to heavy mast crops again this year. Our property has no shortage of mature oaks. Have not looked lately, but did notice the black oaks being pretty well loaded back when I was bush hogging.

TWRA folks say bumper mast crops equate to lesser deer harvests. Mast crops have been pretty good here the past 3 or 4 years now.

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I like to see a good acorn crop. I haven't been out looking yet but I hope we get one better than last year. My bowstand is surrounded by white oaks, so it helps me. Besides that, there's nothing that beats sitting 20ft up a tree on a cool autumn morning just at first light and hearing acorns falling around you......I love it!

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I like to see a good acorn crop. I haven't been out looking yet but I hope we get one better than last year. My bowstand is surrounded by white oaks, so it helps me. Besides that, there's nothing that beats sitting 20ft up a tree on a cool autumn morning just at first light and hearing acorns falling around you......I love it!

AMEN brother!!!

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I haven't bothered glassing for acorns yet. Getting about that time though. From the few I see right around our camp the crop may be on the sparse side this year. I'll get a better feel for it in the next couple of weeks. I have done all my checking on the honey locust trees though. They are spotty at best this year. Fortunately I have one bow stand with 4 honey locust trees by it. 3 of them are loaded down with bean pods. It also sits in a funnel so I'm anxious to spend some time in that stand during the early bow season period before the acorns start falling good.

Like everyone else I like to hear the sound of acorns falling while on stand. Just part of the sounds that makes deer hunting enjoyable.

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If it wasn't "feels like" 97 freakin' degrees out right now, I might go check on the couple of oak trees in my area, but it's too dang hot to be going and looking at oak trees that are surrounded by corn. :D

Hopefully it's like it was a few years ago in Coshocton county. That year we had deer popping akerns like teenage girls gnawing on chewing gum. :cool:

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If it wasn't "feels like" 97 freakin' degrees out right now, I might go check on the couple of oak trees in my area, but it's too dang hot to be going and looking at oak trees that are surrounded by corn. :D

I wouldn't bother going out in the middle of the day either Chris...try a little earlier in the morning. :chair::D

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Our side of the state (Oklahoma) has a decent crop this year. The one thing ive noticed about a good acron year is the deer can be picky. They will stay full so they will start bing choosey about their meals.

When there are a bunch of acorns I like to hunt over white oak. They really seem to be come to them more often during bumper crop years....

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I love hunting white oaks, especially when the acorn crop isn't that good. When you have a bumper acorn crop the deer don't have to move as much to feed. In bad crop years, just find a tree that's dropping and set up there, they'll be coming along for sure.

Last year we had acorns everywhere, I'm hoping this year the crop isn't as good.

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