Couple of sight questions


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Just curious what size pin most in here thought was the best size. Also I was reading Ruth's post a minute ago. Do any of you actually use lights on your sights? I tried one years ago and the thing almost blinded me when I cut it on. With the long fibers today do you guys still feel the need for lights? I sure don't, but maybe I'm missing something.

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I use 0.029" pins and the light makes them really bright; too bright really. Also, I think they are too big once I'm shooting out to 50 yards and further when I practice. I think if I had my 50 and 60 yard pins 0.019" it'd be better. In the blind I seem to have enough light with the 0.029" pins and my length of fiber that I don't need the light either.

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.19 fiber optics too here. No need for lighted sights anymore with the fiber optic sights available today. Tried a lighted sight years ago once. Took it off after 1 afternoon hunt when I realized I could see my sight fine but couldn't see the target at all.

BTW...I can see a yellow fiber optic better in low light than anything else. Red is the hardest for me to see in low light conditions. For that reason, I want the yellow one for my 20 yard pin.

Edited by Rhino
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