Weirdness with deer stories


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The thread about the tiny fawns got me thinking about a past experience I had. On the opening day of muzzleloading season in South Carolina 3 years ago (Oct 1st) I shot a doe out of a group of 7. When I walked up to her, she was huge, for a SC deer. During the gutting process we discovered that she has two fetus in her that were far enough along that they resembled deer. They were maybe just under a pound and a little bigger than my hand, with developed legs, head, eyes, the whole nine yards. Being bred this time of year and having developed fetus was insanely weird. What are some of the werid things you have seen with deer out in the woods, that will make people question your story?

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Tons of weird stories over the years. The foremost that comes to mind was a buck last year. Don't remember the exact day, but it was during the rut. I heard what I thought was a duck quacking. After about 3 minutes of this quacking I realized it was working its way towards me. It was then that I realized there was no water where this sound was now coming from. Just then I caught a glimpse of a deer below me about 100 yards and the sound was coming from the deer's general area. 10 minutes later I could see this "duck" was actually a goofy looking buck. This deer was kind of wheezing with every step. Mouth wide open, sounded like he was quacking. Real hoarse voice is the best way I could describe it. I grunted at him and he came in on a string. Quacking every step. The only time he didn't quack was when he stopped. Every time I grunted at him, he stopped. He got within 30 yards of my stand. I considered shooting him because he had a double main beam on his right side. He probably would have scored right around Pope, non-typ, but decided not to as the landowner is pretty strict on shooting mature deer. This deer may have been 3, but was more likely 2.

He continued to quack at every step as he circled me and went right back down the hill from where he came.

As far as I know, this deer slipped all of the game cams that are on that property and nobody ever saw him again. He was just out cruising.


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I can't say I've ever heard a buck quack yet. :D Watched them sneeze...doesn't sound that different from us. Also watched a young buck choke on something it was eating and coughed it up after about 15 seconds of hacking away...then went right back to feeding. Never seen one work so hard at clearing his throat before as that one did.

Most people know pigs are more aggressive than deer. I recall a bowhunt years ago when I had several deer feeding in a plot. A pig came in, saw the deer and charged them to run them out. Deer tried to come in the plot a couple more times and each time the pig charged them running them out. Selfish critter. Unfortunately, the pig never got close enough to put a hole in it.

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i too have ton's over the years, but the last one was a dozie, i had been having a realy tuff season no shoots, nothing and was getting towards the end of season, well this day i was going to the lease early one morning, about 3 miles from the lease a doe runs out in front of me, i try to miss her but end up catching her along side the head and upper neck, as i went on i seen her flop on the road, not a movement from her, like i said i was having a real bad year, i thought my god i got a deer even if it was with my truck, i backed up got out and looked at her not a tear on her, i thought pretty good i just broke her neck and the meat would be ok, well at that point i was as happy as a peach in an orchard, i took her to camp, still dark out side and would clean her and use a tag if needed to keep her, well as i was sitting there in the truck drinking a cup of coffee, i heard something in the back, i have a ford explorer as i looked in the rear view mirrow i could see this deer trying to stand up in my truck, i freaked, thinking this deer is about to tear my truck apart trying to get out, i jumped out and ran around to the hatch and opened it she still couldnt get totaly to her feet so i pushed her back down, as i did, i remembered she was laying on my knife so i tried to move my hand under her to get the knife, well she gave one big push with her body that took me off balance and she floped out of the truck and ran off.

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hahaha, thats awesome!

That reminds me of one friday night at deer camp. We were all sitting around the fire eating grilled shrimp waiting for the last hunting buddy to show up. About 30 minutes after he said he would be there, he rolls in in his 5 day old toyota tacoma, gets out slams the door cussing that would make a sailor blush. He calls us over to take a look at the passenger door. It is caved in touching the seat and jammed shut. It looked like a bowling ball slammed into it. He asked what happened and he said he was sitting at a red light in down town Columbia, SC. in the middle of the campus of USC in front of the capital building and BANG I doe ran full speed into the side of his truck. Stupid thing got up and ran into it again before running off between two bars.

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My buddy in Minnesota leaned over in his box stand to spit and there was a 9 point buck (150 class), belly crawling like a soldier low-crawling for about 30-40 feet, then stood right up and started hopping up and down doing a dance. Honest to God, that is what my friends described it as jumping up and down like a ballet dancer - then BOOM! My buddy shot it in the neck and that was all she wrote.

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My dad had a buck grazing and walking along almost quartering but more straight to him. It was less than 200 yards away. He centered the crosshairs of his 30-06 on the buck's chest and shot. The buck didn't drop or kick. It just stood there shaking his head and then started to walk off still shaking it's head. Dad I guess was confused as heck, but shot it again. This time broadsided, which made the buck drop in it's tracks. The buck picked his head up at the first shot, got a 30-06 bullet right up into his nose, and barely stumbled walking away! I remember when he brought it back you could feel the bullet lodged up into the nose a couple inches or so, on the outside and near the bridge of it's nose.

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I was mule deer hunting in the mountains of western NM a few years back when I walked up on two mulie does. I guess they had never seen a human up close, because they followed me around for about an hour. They weren't spooked, just curious. They stayed about 50 yards away, but made no effort to hide or be sneaky. I'd stop on a ledge and glass for awhile and they'd just stand there and look at me. I finally dropped off the side of the mountain and left them behind.

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