What is this world coming to!!


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Im driving through town yesterday with my 8 year old daughter looking out the window. She sees a guy maybe 18 or so, on the roof of his house sunning himself. She says to me "Daddy, that guy is sticking his middle finger up at me".... I look out and see it for myself plain as day. I stop the truck and say "real nice guy, real nice, you just gave an 8 year old girl the finger. He denies it and I tell him I saw him doing it. His response, he shrugs his shoulders.

Two things in his favor....

1) I still need this job for a bit

2) He was on a roof

If your old enough and a-hole-ish enough, to give an 8 year old girl the finger.... You had better be both to deal with the father then also...

I DON'T forget something like that...POS punk!

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1.) he was on the roof sunning himself. My brothers and I got enough sun roofing, mowing the lawn, cutting wood, bailing hay and fishing on the lake. Probably would have gotten beat if my dad caught us laying out to get tan. The kid probably has no responsibilities, probably taking a break from his video games.

2.) To many parents now a days allow this type of thing because "They are just expressing themselves."

3.) Had you stomped a mudhole in his butt like he needed you would have been the one suffering as the courts probably would have decided that he had every right to give an 8 year old girl the finger. And you over reacted....

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1.) he was on the roof sunning himself. My brothers and I got enough sun roofing, mowing the lawn, cutting wood, bailing hay and fishing on the lake. Probably would have gotten beat if my dad caught us laying out to get tan. The kid probably has no responsibilities, probably taking a break from his video games.

2.) To many parents now a days allow this type of thing because "They are just expressing themselves."

3.) Had you stomped a mudhole in his butt like he needed you would have been the one suffering as the courts probably would have decided that he had every right to give an 8 year old girl the finger. And you over reacted....

i think if that was the case, we would both be fighting for our rights for freedom of expression, and how i didnt like his expression.

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Guest bowhunter56
Ignorance abounds! It is everywhere you go today. Says a lot for our society. :(

I am of the old school...spare the rod, spoil the child...too many have been spared the rod, now respect for any and everyone is in the gutter.

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