New Bow


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After 15 years of using the same bow i finally broke down and bought a brand spankin new Hoyt Katera. Now what do i choose as far as rests go ?? I was considering a whisker biscuit im not sure how it would effect arrow flight though. Then i was thinking about a drop away rest.. Any suggestions and opinions are welcome..

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Ive shot a Whisker Biscuit for 3 years now and I love it. Some people say they slow down your arrow and that they damage your fletching after a while but I disagree. You might lose a max of 5 fps of arrow speed, and with todays fast shooting bows , thats not even an issue. I shoot blazer vanes and I havent experienced any damage to them from the rest. I dont plan on using a different rest for a long time.

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Congrats on the new bow, i also shoot with a Whisker Biscuit, i like it, im sure it may knock your fps down a tad, but not anything significant, i like it because once its in, its in there and wont come out until you have to shoot, or take it out, i havent noticed any damage as long as your using blazer vanes, it all comes down to personal preference though , there are lots of fall away's that are great rests too

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