Pope & Young


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I had to take a quick inventory & I have 9 over that mark so far. Some are hanging here at home & some are hanging at our camp. Here's the 3 that are hanging over my fire place right now. The only one entered in P&Y (and B&C) is the one in the middle. He officially scored 175 1/8 net & 184 3/8 gross. I took this pic back in May for a friend of mine when I gave my booner a new look with a better looking arrow head plaque.


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Not 100 percent sure, because I have not had any officially scored, possibly 2. The buck I killed in 1994 should be real close to the 130 mark, have not taped the buck I killed last year yet, he is still at the taxidermist, but think he will be somewhere between 120 and 125. Those were both killed with rifle though.

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I had to take a quick inventory & I have 9 over that mark so far. Some are hanging here at home & some are hanging at our camp. Here's the 3 that are hanging over my fire place right now. The only one entered in P&Y (and B&C) is the one in the middle. He officially scored 175 1/8 net & 184 3/8 gross. I took this pic back in May for a friend of mine when I gave my booner a new look with a better looking arrow head plaque.


I'd defintley like to know where that arrow-head plaque in the middle came from. PM me please.



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Al those are some great mounts you have there!!!

Thanks John...the cull factor for bucks I'll mount is getting higher but my luck seems to be holding for making my taxidermist happy for the past few years. With the exception of the velvet buck last year, any mature bucks under 130 is a skull mount.

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Thanks John...the cull factor for bucks I'll mount is getting higher but my luck seems to be holding for making my taxidermist happy for the past few years. With the exception of the velvet buck last year, any mature bucks under 130 is a skull mount.

Can't say what the cut-off is for me, but I'm with you as far as it is going to be nice before I shoulder mount it. Only have the one shoulder mount on the wall now, should have more, but we make mistakes and learn from them. Did you take those 3 in MS?

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Did you take those 3 in MS?

No...just the buck on the left is a MS buck. He's a primitive weapon season buck I killed during the 2nd week of December, 2008. The one in the middle is the B&C buck I killed during a Kansas "do it yourself" bowhunt in November 2004. The one on the right is an Illinois bowkill from October, 2008.

BTW...I choked on another big 155/160 class KS buck last November hunting from a tree about 10 yards from the tree where I killed the booner. I'm over it now...took a while though. I'll probably hang a stand in the same tree this November and hope I got all the misses out of my bow. ;):D

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I have shot 3 deer that have a net score over 125. The first two were with a Bow and are entered in P&Y. The bigger one is also in B&C. The third one was shot with a shotgun.

2006 season: Gross: (161&3/8) Net: (149&1/8)


2007 season: Gross: (171&2/8) Net: (162&2/8)


2008 season: Gross: (131 4& 0/8) Net: (129 & 2/8)


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I've got 4 over 125" My largest is a 133" first buck I ever shot when I was 15. That was 20 years ago this year. LOL! Been all down hill since!

I've had some close encounters. Last year couldn't quite get on the 160" and 3 years ago in Kansas I missed a chance on a 170" + still get short of breath thinking about both......

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