Assorted buck pics

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Been getting pics of some decent bucks behind the house. I know one is back from last year for sure. But we'll get to him in a little bit..

First up is a nice yearling 7 point who looks to have potential if he can avoid getting hit by a car:



Next up is a goofy little spike:


And another spike:



Next is a funny looking 5 point:


Next is what looks to be a solid 3 year old 7 point. He looks like he could become something with a few more years, but he'll certainly be hard to pass up. We'll see what he looks like after the velvet comes off. Tine length, spread and mass all look good. Lets just see if he can keep the mass after shedding velvet. This was the first and last time I got pics of him:




And now finally we get to the pinnacle of my trail cam pics so far this summer...A few months ago I got this pic and saw what looked to be the big wide forkhorn I passed up a few times last year:


Then I went just about a month and a half without him showing his face again... til I got these pics... it was him.... or so I thought...




At first I was kind of upset that he wasn't the big wide fork he was the year before, but then a few days later guess who made a guest appearance? Yup. The Wide Forkhorn.





Anyone care to throw an age out there on this buck? I know he's atleast a 3.5 year old. He has a body like a horse, a sagging belly and muscular brisket, but long legs. I can't quite put an age on him. Anyone ever seen a whitetail forkhorn this wide before? Well, I know these are the breeder bucks in PA but thats another story. ;)

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You all have some really wide genetics going on there Joe. If I remember right that 7 looks a lot like the wide buck(8pt) you were getting pics of last year. Think your dad said a neighbor killed that buck.

Age on the forkhorn might be tough from those pics, this time of year aging beyond 3.5 up to 5.5 is kinda tough imo. Looks like he is standing in a depression in the third pic from the end, makes(maybe exagerates) the area behind the shoulders look to sink. Think he is an older buck though, second to last pic the backbone looks pretty straight behind the shoulders, guess at least 3.5 based on the body shape, no older than 5.5 though.

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We all love big bucks with lots of points. But I have to admit that I would take that wide forky if he presents himself. No doubt, he is a mature one. I'd say 3 1/2 or 4 1/2 years old this fall.

We have had some really wide bucks here in the past and William is right. He does have the same type spread as the wide 8 we had here last year. Might even be his offspring.

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