Hog Hunting


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I took one a couple years back in Tenn with a bow. Went about 20 yards after the shot and fell over dead. It was around 275 pounds. I used 100grn T-Heads as well. There is a gristle plate directly behind the shoulder that you probably won't penetrate with an arrow. You need a quartering away shot to get an arrow to the vitals. A bow is more than sufficient. It's all shot placement.

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Re: Hog Hunting

Like billkay said--a bow is more than sufficient to bring a hog down. The bigs ones do have a pretty guard plate like he said--and quartering away shots are the best--try to slip right behind that last rib. However, I shot this right behind the shoulder with my pro-line bow last year--using a 100grain silvertip mechanical. I had a complete pass thru of the broadhead and the only thing holding the arrow in the hog after the shot was the fletching. The arrow fell out as the hog fled. She ran about 50 yards before going down. It was right at last shooting light so I didn't have time to set up a great pic--but as you can see the bow and arrow did the job and left a heck of a blood trail!


Good luck on your hunt!


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Guest Bonemass

Re: Hog Hunting

Go with the bow,make it up close and personal.Your bow will do just fine.Good judgement and shotplacement is key !!

I took one with my Hoyt and a 125 gr COI head got a pass through no problem.

You going after Russian or a European hog ?

Here is my tusker


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Re: Hog Hunting

That's some of the fun with pig hunting, you never know what they are going to do after the shot. Size does not really matter either as I have seen 100# pigs that just after the shot stop, look at us, then charge. I have also seen 300# hogs that ran in circles squealing. You never know. Just be ready for anything.

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