Recommended squirrel gun


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The .410 will provide plenty of power especially early in the season when shots are relatively close still due to the canopy. As the leaves start to fall you might want a little more gun to reach out a little further. That being said I do all my hunting with a 12 guage so you really can't go wrong with any of them.

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There is nothing wrong with the 410 as a squirrel gun. Most can be shot inside of 20 - 30 yards and the 410 will effectivly shoot that range with the right load.

However, looking at the cost of the 410 shells against others they are an expensive round to take out. I personally would consider using a lighter load in the 12ga or pickup the 20ga H&R. You can buy a brick of ammo for just over $20 (giving you 100 shots) where a single box of 410 is typically nearing the $8 - $10 mark.

They are a good little scatter gun but pretty pricey these days.

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personally I like a good old 22lr for this purpose but some other factors figure in to my choices foliage for example a lot of leaves on trees gives little time for aiming a rifle. I do use a 20 ga for the woods around my home early in the year but if hunting in a woods with tall trees I find that a 12 ga works well for taking them from the top of the tall hickory trees but after 1 or 2 shots they clear out in a hurry in wich case a 22 mag or 17 mach 2 or even the 17 hmr is a great choice.

Just my oppinion and I am sure others would have different taste in squirrel slaying equip.

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