Talked with Steve Beilgard tonight!


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I wanted to let everyone know that Steve and Rilda are doing fine . They live in a small community

on Prince of Wales Island in a town called Coffman Cove. He is putting siding on the house now.

He says to say hello to everyone and to let you know that he will be leaving Alaska on Sept.15 and should arrive home on Sept. 20. The internet is only at the library and only 12 at a time can use it . He said the locals usually control it so I am passing his wishes on to all.

Here is his landline phone number if anyone would like to call him . 907-329-2335. No cell phone service there.The best time to call him is about 9:30pm central time.

He was really happy to talk. We need to fill him on some things he has missed. I am going to be calling him back in few days. if you want me pass a message on to him please post it here and i will read it to him. He really misses everyone.



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