caping a turkey


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Re: caping a turkey


None of the turkey I ever shot were wearing a cape grin.gif

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I was wondering how long it would take someone to go there grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Personally I cant run fast enough to put the cape on them!!!

Seriously, I did my own this past spring. As of yet I have no idea what they look like...they are still under salt. I skinned the entire turkey(except for the head) and nailed it out on plywood in the garage.

The wings look awesome though...I was very careful and kept them whole and have them in full flight position.

My intentions were good though...LOL

I figured that if it did not look good enough to do something with....I had a very long supply of feathers for my other addiction...tying fishing flys!

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Re: caping a turkey

Turkey Sniper -

How did you preserve the wings? What I mean is, how difficult was it to get all the meat out and what was the process like?

I've been doing my own tail mounts for years and keep wanting to try one like yours or even wiskeyswamp's. But the wings have scared me.

Also, how did you preserve the cape. I assume 100% removal of the flesh would be good enough and then use a borax type material like when doing tail mounts.

Thanks for any info!

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